In Tokyo 2002, we Mi-kuni was organized by several creators who are dancers, musicians, visual artists along with sympathies with Jujiro's work. More than a dozen works which were created through the past decade are amazingly various. For instance, in a work which based on Noh classic, we performed it with movie on the imitated stage as if it's like a Kabuki theater, and in a work based on " “Matsuri” , Japanese ancient ritual , we performed it as a live art which include both instrumental and vocal music. At these expermental approaches, we refined it into simple expression which consisted of voice, body and rhythm. We Mi-kuni are continue to pursue wild and atypical another space not a smart and typical stage, with repeated approaches which stimulate our sense of primitive.
“日本の風土や歴史にこそアバンギャルドが潜んでいる。革新的な舞台芸術こそ、土地の伝統や営みによって出来上がる事を未國をもって表現したかった” 前川十之朗
我々は、日本の全ての芸能の起源は、- 祭り- にあると考える。民謡、神楽、猿楽など、今もなお継承され続けている日本の伝統芸能において、かつては、階級、職業、宗教といった隔たりは存在せず、すべての人々が解け合い混ざり合った。我々未國は、様々なフィールドで活動する表現者たちが集まり、この- 祭り- を創造の源泉とし、現代にプリミティブな感性を呼び覚ます舞台表現を続けている。
mi-kuni digest
mi-kuni susanoo
mi-kuni sinseidai
"BONSAI" Theater und Musik von Mi-kuni
Im Kleinen Hof der Kulturbrauerei P.A.N.D.A theater
Knaackstrasse97 Berlin
22 feb 2012 Detail
Hidden Ritual:BON-BO-BON
20 Dec 2011 Detail
GENBAKU Onomatopoeia
3-4 JUN 2011 TheaterHous Mitte
[Wallstraße 32 (Haus C) 10179 Berlin]
5 JUN 2011 Filmkunst Berlin
[Glogauer Str.19 - Kreuzberg]
"memories of ancient times"
The dance defied any categorization. The simple but elaborated physical movements without hesitation were a style of expression and at the same time, a shock.
This performance made me think if there is a physical language, it may be this sort of thing.
Release, Open, Find
How do you walk the way to the station?
How do you switch into a good mood?
How do you spend a day better than usual?
Through exercises such as breathing, vocalism and body stretching, gain energy, creativity and physical vitality.